East Central Indiana CASA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to the East Central Indiana CASA are considered tax-deductible if you itemize deductions (contact your tax advisor).
You can also mail your donations to: CASA, 3538 Mounds Road, Anderson, Indiana 46017.
To learn about other giving options, such as in-kind donations or planned giving, please contact:
Annette E. Craycraft at (765) 649-7215 or acraycraft@MadisonCounty.IN.gov.
There are more children in our county who need an advocate than we have volunteers. I encourage people to give it a try.
Go to the training; see what you think about it. It’s really not hard; it doesn’t take a lot of time, and it’s very rewarding.
Cheryl Bennett, CASA Volunteer